Make-Up Artist

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Would You like to experiment new looks and renew Your image?
Do you desire to find Your perfect day/evening make-up, colours and shapes that best fit to Your face, in order to be perfect in every situation, by minimizing and correcting the imperfections?
Have You ever wanted to learn any professional make-up technique with which making the difference?
This course is for all the women and the girls who want to cure their image and to discover their perfect look through a personalized course led directly by a beauty and make-up expert.
This course will teach You all the best techniques to realise a homemade professional make-up, so that You will always have a perfect look, according to every day and situation



The topics of this course will be:
- Face, products and skin study and preparation.
- Products and colours choice, according to Your face and tastes.
- Correction of the possible skin discolourations, such as imperfections, acne, blotches or wrinkles.
- Correct application of concealer and foundation, realising the most fitting corrections for Your face.
- Enhancing the value of Your features, avoiding the most common make-up mistakes.
- Personalized and natural day make-up.
- Personalize evening make-up.
- Eyebrows: correction and shaping.
- Correct application of blush.
- Application of false eyelashes (entire or by tufts).
- Use of all the necessary instruments (brushes, sponges, pencils, eye shadows, lipsticks, mascara).
- Make-up matching, according to clothes and hair.
- Glamour make-up and trends.

The course accounts for all the necessary make-up products, but, if You want, You could bring and use Your personal instruments and products, in order to learn all the secrets for using them at best.

Moreover, during the lesson, You could write on Your personal face-chart (a make-up chart) as a memorandum You could look at every time You need, just to see again all my suggestions or to exercise by Yourself once at home.

The course is composed by a 4-hours unique lesson.




I organize also “tailored” collective courses for friend groups who want to spend a couple of wonderful and amusing hours together, in order to understand as possible as they can about the ways in which they could realize a corrective make-up, a day/evening one or other types, according to Your personal desire. We could even focus to specific topics in one or more sessions, according to Your needs and curiosity.
I will give You all the necessary material for the course: it will be freely usable by all the clients.
Each of the clients will be given her personal face-chart (a make-up chart), on which she could write her notes and all the not-to-forgive suggestions.

Place and duration of the course will be decided according to Your needs or desires.